Thursday, February 28, 2008

Stock Information To Make You A Great Investor!!!

Trading and buying stock doesn't have to be complicated. Here are a few basics rule of thumb for a making a great investment. 1) Always do your due diligence (a.k.a. research) on the company before investing your hard earned dollars in their stock! Time and time again people buy on emotion based on trends in the market. Don't let that be you! Warren Buffet, probably the smartest investor of our time said "Be fearful, when everyone else is greedy. Be greedy, when everyone else is fearful." 2) Look where everyone else isn't looking. About two years ago, companies in China were experiencing over a 200% return in just one year! Some of these companies were American based that happened to be heavily involved in the Western Industrialization taking place there. Can you imagine how you would feel with a 200% return in just one year! 3) Always let logic rule over emotion. People are driven by two emotions when it comes to investing: Fear and Greed. The fear of losing it all, and the greed of never having enough.

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